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Hunt Report - Colleran's - 11/20/2021

Hunt Report Colleran’s Hunting Valley, OH

Today’s hunt was not a long one, and what we did not have in rabbit chases we made up for in fun.

Colleran’s property is an historic farm on some of the most beautiful landscape in the region. A sizable tributary creek that ends at the nearby Chagrin River winds through the area. There are waterfalls, cliffs, lovely stands of pine, spring houses, and more.

The morning breeze and thick cover of fallen leaves presented the beagles with scenting challenges. I let them range further ahead and further towards the steep hillsides than I typically would in an effort to allow them to cast themselves where they might gain an advantage. They worked very hard, but did not find. They worked so hard in fact, going over and under and in and through every square inch of potential rabbit habitat, that one of the hounds caught a thorn in the ear. His injury was very minor and he was on the mend before we even got him back to the Hunt truck, but we decided to call the day a little early.

Some members of the field made a complete loop around the property, seeing the entire stream bed and descending back onto the property from a high overlook hill, while the rest of us retraced our steps downstream back to the renovated barn.

Here, a team of generous volunteers had a delicious lunch laid out for us. The Holmeses provided homemade vegetable stew, P. Thomas had trays of egg salad sandwiches, the G. Andersons made a big green salad, T. DeChant and J. Anderson had a smorgasbord of sweets, L. Croll brought some refreshing beverages, and our host treated us to some headier libations.

Whatever we missed in terms of a woodland chase, we more than made up for with a wonderful social event. Thank you to our generous landowner who made it possible, to our wonderful luncheon volunteers who provided the fixings for a most enjoyable party, the staff who raced to the beagles’ assistance, and all who attended to round out the merry-making. Thanksgiving will be here in a few days… Let’s make it another great (beagle-y)day in Hunting Valley!

(RT and I were almost twinning today… thank you for the snapshot, Penny!)

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