Chagrin Valley Hunt
The Chagrin Valley Hunt was established in 1908 by a group of avid sportsmen who had been longing to re-establish foxhunting in the Cleveland, Ohio area. After a failed attempt to run drag on horseback with a friends pack of beagles, they promptly took up collection and tasked Mr. Windsor T. White with acquiring a pack of English Foxhounds. The foundation of hunting in the Chagrin Valley was quickly established. In time a parcel of land was purchased in Gates Mills, where they erected stables and kennels for the hounds and opened a private country club known as the Chagrin Valley Hunt Club.

The hounds as well as members of the mounted hunt continued their presence in the Village of Gates Mills utilizing the Chagrin Valley Hunt Club and Chagrin Valley Hunt Kennels as their central hub through the end of 2019. While no longer affiliated with mounted foxhunting, the tradition of hound sports is kept alive by the Chagrin Valley Beagles.